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No.550 の関連記事
Magic Scrolls Saradas 2021/10/27 23:15
 ┗ Re:Magic Scrolls takapi 2021/11/05 01:33
[550] Magic Scrolls Name: Saradas Date: 2021/10/27 23:15 [ 返信 ]
Where can I obtain magic scrolls for high level spells? I only have the scrolls sold in the shop. Where can I find high level scrolls? From another shop? from monsters? please help... :(
[551] Re:Magic Scrolls Name: takapi Date: 2021/11/05 01:33 [ 返信 ]
Hello, Mr. Saradas.
Sorry for the late reply.
You can get high level magic by defeating high level monsters. :)

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